Monthly Archives: May 2012

Tiger paint


I’ve seen a documentary with a tiger rolling in snow; it was so cute so I decided to draw something like this!
So here is a tiger rubbing on its stripes.
I wish I have one of those paint buckets. 

Late for Party

This is from a sketchbook that I’m working on. The theme is going to be about animals. I’ve always thought that penguins look like they’re wearing tuxedos. And for some reason, the way they stand remains me of well-educated gentlemen.
Here is a pen and ink sketch of three penguins late for a tuxedo party. The bouncer is not sure if he should let them in. This idea just popped out of nowhere. A lot of hatching with pen, it made me a bit frustrated when the ink kept running out. But it was fun.

Eight running horses

This was another request from my mom. My mom is a huge fan of Feng Shui, she got a Feng Shui master to take a look at our house. He said we needed a picture of eight galloping horses so mom asked me to draw one because we couldn’t find any suitable ones. The number eight is considered as a lucky number, its pronunciation is also the same as ‘to get rich’ in Cantonese. Eight running horses symbolize bringing in fortune. We have two dogs at home. My family’s Chinese zodiacs are monkey, dragon and snake, which according to the master, not suitable for having dogs. Because the dog zodiac clashes with ours. But having the horses here would help, because the dog and horse zodiac are best friends, I’m not sure how it would help though.
I don’t really get Feng Shui, but I definitely admire it as being an ancient art and part of a culture passed on for so many generations.


For mom

Image ImageThis is my dog, Jaijai (meaning ‘Son’ in Cantonese). Both pictures are done in acrylics and for my mom. I gave the first one to her on mother’s day in 2009 I guess? That’s why he’s got a carnation on his head. It was difficult drawing secretly without mom knowing, since I wanted this to be a surprise. She was so happy when I gave this to her, I had felt so embarrassed and glad at that time.
The second one is requested by mom, done in 2011. Its awesome comparing your old pictures with your new ones, seeing improvement in your work really gives you an urge to work even harder. Great thing about art is you keep improving, you might get stuck and art blocks sometimes but you are definitely getting better each time.
Looking at these two pictures together also reminds me the fact that Jaijai is getting older, he’s 12 now. I hope he’ll stay healthy and happy. It pains me to just think about him leaving us someday, but I guess that’s something you have to accept about pets, that in most cases, they would leave sooner than you. But I don’t ever regret having Jaijai, I’m glad to have him ,for being my great friend and family member.